
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

[720p] The Idolm@ster 2 Tutorial: How to Break into Top 20 by Week 8 (Part 1)

[720p] The Idolm@ster 2 Tutorial: How to Break into Top 20 by Week 8 (Part 1) Tube. Duration : 9.77 Mins.

This is a tutorial on how to get within Top 20 in the Dotop TV ranking within the first 10 weeks (only works on your second playthrough onwards as it will require some war funds). You unlock harder auditions (which gives you a lot more fans and money) by getting into the Top 50 (Tier 2) and Top 20 (Tier 3) respectively. So unlocking the hardest auditions as soon as possible is a good way to ensure you have a fair shot at attaining the True End (attain the Idol Academy grand prix award along with all the special category awards) for your chosen unit leader. During week 3 where you have to take part in your debut audition, make sure you equip either one of the three amulets highlighted in the video tutorial. These three super amulets decrease the "interest decay rate" for two of your three appeal genres (either Dance and Visual, Visual and Vocal, or Vocal and Dance). Next, equip all your best items for the second of two appeal genres affected (Visual for Dance and Visual, Vocal for Visual and Vocal, and Dance for Vocal and Dance). This is important as appeals will raise the "interest rate" of the genre to the right of it; and you don't want to raise the interest rate of the one genre your equipped amulet doesn't enhance. In my case, as you can see I've pumped my Visual genre parameter to as high as my currently unlocked accessories will allow. At the beginning of the audition, do a few appeals in the first genre that your amulet protects (in my case Dance) so as to raise ...


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